A auto que mandou fazer o excelentisimo Sehnor Francisco de Tavora do Concelho do Estado de Sua Magestade do corpo defunto da Madre Maria de Jesus, do Convento de Santa Monica da cidade de Goa

At the Lilly Library. This text is in the volume titled "Pertenece al aparador fuera de la pared. Cajón número 4. Misiones. Legajo 1." The description in the Boxer Catalogue says: "Auto" in Portuguese of an official enquiry held at Goa on the stigmata on the body of a deceased Augustinian nun, Maria de Jesus, in the Convent of Santa Monica, on the 3 January 1683; this being a certified true copy, dated Convent of Santa Monica, Goa, 21 January 1683. There is a folded sheet with a coloured wash drawing of the defased nun with the stigmata, lying on a bier.” Philippine Mss, 1750-1968. Sotheby 516. Vol. 1. Ms.21529. VAD6896-U-00007, 415-422
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