Leaf 5 recto




Status: Incomplete
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which would otherwise have been lost. I said
a great deal more and so effectively that I
had no further trouble in that quarter, and
Forde raised £300 in his paper for [us] the League, at a
time when even that small sum meant everything
to us. I was very proud of my letter to Forde
and carefully kept a copy but on looking it up the
other day I found the mice had eaten it, and it
alone out of a number of (botún) papers in a drawer into
which they had bored a hole. This I regretted for the matter had far reaching consequences, for
having won Forde over there was no possibility
of the Members of Parliament turning upon us
and sending us, or at least of them openly dis-
-paraging us, once their own chief American

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Rachel Daly

[us] mistake by Hyde