Ó Eleanor Root chuig Dubhghlas de hÍde agus Lucy Kurtz

Postcard from Eleanor Root to Douglas Hyde and Lucy Kurtz about: ruins in Ireland and Rome, antiquities of Rome "failing to thrill".




Rome, April 14, 1913.

In a p.c. - which may not have reached you, as it was dropped here - I spoke of the antiquities of Rome failing to thrill me, as did the antiquities of Ireland. Since then I have thought I espied Celtic antiquities on the Appian Way. I started out to investigate these “fairy mounds” one day, afoot, and got all mixed up with a modern Roman font; was not exactly driven out at the point of the bayonet, but I thought it best, nevertheless, to leave expeditiously. What a disappointment that find turned out to be.

My heart is still in Ireland, though when I shall see it again I do not know. Sincerely Eleanor Root

Dr. and Mrs. Hyde Earlsfort Terrrace Dublin Ireland [Place?]

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