


Status: Indexed

for the purpose. This only made the matter
worse however for he went directly off
got more liquor -- and behaved much
worse than before. Next morning
when he sobered John stripped him
and whipped him again. It was two
days after I got home and just
as I was about starting for Milledgeville
that John told me of it and then
only incidentally. This I regretted for
I should have made intently differ-
ent arrangements for going. I deter-
mined however to make some disposition
for Bob immediately upon my return
by which he should learn what
good treatment was if he never
seen otherwise to know how to behave
himself. This I told him then and
more over told him if he did not
behave while gone I should sell
him for forthwith -- Mississippi or

some other place. It seemed to touch him
and he behaved well enough on the trip to
Milledgeville and back. But when we got
back today and he had delivered the
horses & a [illegible] safely to Anderson
I gave him his discharge-- told him
to pack up "his all" and go down
to Mr. Ray to go to work and tell
Tommy to whip him every day until
he learned to behave himself.
And never to put his foot on this
lot again with out permission first
obtained at the risk of his hide.
he seemed very much out and cast
down and began to talk but I told
him it was useless-- I had told him
when I came home last spring
and heard how he had acted during
the winter -- in getting drunk etc if I
ever knew of his getting drunk again
that he should quite these premises
and I should have nothing more to do with him

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