Samuel Phillips

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At a Council held at Boston March 8. 1679,80. : The governour and Council, upon mature consideration of the many loud calls of Providence ... Do therefore appoint and order, that the fifteenth day of April next, be set apart for a day of humiliation and

1680 Broadside, Verso, Q1
Needs Review

1680 Broadside, Verso, Q1

July 17 1681 Phill[ippians] 1:15 you have heard what incouraged Paul with his sufferings for the gospell even the good effects & fruits of him and by these he would have the plea incouraged & not to take offense at the ill usage he mett with now one if those good effects is mentioned verse 14 viz this many spoke the word much more boldly & without fear, in this verse he exemplifies that fruit, distributing those teachers into two sorts. Some that is of those brethren spoken of in the foregoing years they did all speak the word, but not all with the same affection Paul knew y by diberenel By those brethren that spoke the word that meant anguish & preachers of the word as you so hear, many of the brethren quo neam ne intellegit ecclesiae ducto thy pesent; & the same another conceives he speaks of such as preached the gospel: at Rome as well as in other places. The words seem to be an answer to an objection that many of those foremen turned preacher who were so confident & courageous & undaunted in preaching the word were but nou sly men & noe ture forried to saak nor to trus He answers first granting some indeed did preach Christ from a spirit of a way to out struy him though they preached orthodox doctrine for yer preached Christ but your hearts were not pure but full of envy & strife against Paul who by his constancy in publishing & suffering for the truth had been instrumental of much good in Rome as well as in other places now they did desire to be sele fctire off to he publishes of the truth of well as hee seeing Paul had seen much fame by preaching the Gospel they would preach also (though not t hazard) that so they might not be also rich but famous as well as he is not more for new begienes are much taken notice off They envied Paul the power he had in y own ye chaisicity in the world & ye i rudyed them ye honor that was done him by those that were converted by his ministry Be aware also that some preached out of strife this follows the other yor envied the Sencod & which your was between them that Embraced Paul dactyin & did ffier up Confusion & a sinful amulation amongst ye ministry whilst nous one labored tho ould to applaud him, & out of an evil are to provure harder usang against paul if not his death surpassing ye more ye gospel was preached need would be ye more inceused against him & ye stale was a way to affarrd were against Paul for it might be laid in his &i sh aspimt of quarrelling was in him that followed has truths when your is disceant amongst Gods People its ye way to sure up enemies against y where enay & grade are harbored those will accouningw yet heer in partionsuty himself & would have ye plullepions yourin also com preached that all ye preaches new not of that shape ther beann many who preached Christ from love & good will towards Christ & staal, out of love to ye truth & ye good of Godly Unsuiow) to publish as an hverald awnesters are boclods to proohain yet wil to all in gods nane holdly pleanly faithfully Envy a Otodew invideo truaten a nimis videndo because those we eneym fix our eye upon aing as its said of Saul he ged David that is with an envious on 1 Samuel 18:9 I have as wvill ast tis put for senny 20 moath . strife some doe conceinI did cause from ye unsound uss of ye actrin they nad elieat as if yy had mught ye observation of ceremonial rights t that ot of a spirit of apposition & contention against smet, who had thought that ye broe =moutal haut was alolusse or abot shing y is not judged forsoned interprisation, for part would not then have coneyeed if ye had hin corruption in ye dectrime for its said this spoke & preached yet but your strife wrose from asher raotwee y yute & suldn who should te greatest to most accounted off 22 Luke 24 ok an Immaderaton sinful desire after applause together with ye lest of wes herty of ye fulty and astination of thers is after wherefore tho pech tlure gl for soe me se herr that som preach that out of the Envy is ady forth but a venation ar iuened displyture conceived of ye good of anayer viz Either carsons Credit gifts presett sue cass or ye

Last edit 10 months ago by Gabriel Swift
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