Board of Aldermen (1866-1877) & Lodge G.S. & D (1855-1858) 008




Status: Needs Review

Sister Mary Barret was
reported sick.

Bro. H S. Herolaud went into
the [lodge]. His Committee acknowledge-
ment of having violated his pledge,
on motion it was Resolved
that the punishment to be in
flicted upon Bro. Herolaud for
[illegible][illegible]be that he come
into open lodge or our [illegible]
meeting and reasign the pledge

Bro Christopher Grogaard also acknowledged
that he had violated his pledge
on motion the cases resolved.
That Bro Grogaard be required
to re-sign the pledge. Think
he [illegible] did in open

The committee (special) appointed
to [illegible] and [illegible] the
report and Books of the Jr. Son
made a upon which report
was received and committee

On motion Bro Leicens Rusk
by further time to re-sign
the pledge.

Sister Mary J Lewis presented
her resignation to the order. Which
on motion was accepted.

Bro James [illegible] [illegible]
presided his resgnation to the
order. Which no motion was
laid over for one week.

Bro Le Grogaard
asked to take the degrees.

On motion the will re-

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Would I put [illegible] per each word that can't be transcribed?

East Texas Research Center

Yes. If you can't figure it out, put illegible. This flags it for other transcribers. Sometimes it may be a lot, sometimes very little. Just depends on the document. Better to put that than to guess the wrong word.