September 7 - 21, 1846




Status: Indexed

Sept 7th Weather has been quite wet
the past week but now fair & warm
We have 2 stacks fodder ready to stack
& on days pulled more & have not
cut any tops yet

8 Finished pulling fodder & have
got 8 stacks of fodder stack & 2 in
House & 2 more to stack

9 Cutting tops this day & worming
& succoring Tobacco —
Doct Miller has been 2 times
to see Phil & furnished some medicine
came this morning when I did not look
for him — Malissa also sick

10 Cutting tops all day & tying them
up - in Big field

11th become uneasy & sent for Doct Miller
again for Phil he is quite sick

12th Stayed all night & put a Blister
on him.

13. Doct Miller has been 4 or 5 times to see
Phil & he is quite low

14 Cutting tops & finished succoring

15 Succoring Tobacco - 16 succoring Tobacco
& have not cut any Tobacco yet
Phil very low — wrote to Fanny W
by Bro Hubbard sent her 50¢

16 Phil Died Just before day 17th & buried
in evening, weather changeable

17. Succoring Tobacco 18th, weather cool

19. began to Cut Tobacco yesterday
on Branch & will Keep on till one
get over. finished on Branch & began in Lot
to day. Fed gone to mill new corn

20th Callahan Died this morning

21st Cutting Tobacco & this morning wrote to

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I don't know whether Callahan is a friend, slave or horse. I haven't seen the name mentioned elsewhere