March 31, 1877 - April 6, 1877




Status: Complete

March 31st Sowing oats Scye Marshall
Coltering new ground Annie Anderson raking
in new ground --

April 1st Sunday Ma Come home
from John R. Whiteheads to day --

April 2d Monday Holliday. close
cloudy and raining to day --

April 3 Tuesday thrashed out one stack of
oats Jim harrowing in oats Almond coltering
Scye Mashall coltering

April 4th Wednesday Finished sowing oats
to day sowed nearly 20 bushels Almond and
Scye Marshall coltering Annie burning brush
Jacob went with Boker Fitzgerald to Mt
Airy to attend the warrant between him and
Abram Glenn George Little was killed
at Mt Airy about daylight by William
Henry Keatts died in five minutes after
he was cut there was five large gashes
cut on him with a large Dirk Knife by

April 5th Thursday
Striped Tobacco untiil dinner Almond
carried a load of plankson the creek
planted out hot bed of sweet potatoes
I went to Mount Airy in the evening to see
George Little did not see him saw his clothes
which was completely riddled by a Knife in the
Hands of William Henry Keatts --
Jim and Almond listing corn land commenced listing
to day ----

April 6 Friday Scye Marshall coltering on dicte
Jim and Almond listing corn land commenced listing
to day—

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"The trial of William Henry Keatts for the killing of George W. Little at Mount Airy, in Pittsylvania country, last April, was concluded Thursday, resulting in a verdict of two years in the penitentiary. This was his second trial. He was sentenced for four years the first time." 1877, Jul 21. Richmond Dispatch. Richmond VA