



Status: Indexed

which you received from
Contract and Finance Company ?

Mr. Sanderson[underlined]. That question is objected
to on the ground that it is utterly
immaterial what consideration he
gave the Contract and Finance Company
for any stock they had if they had
any or that he gave any other
person for the stock?

A. Well on the advice of my counsel
I decline to answer the question.

Mr. Cohen[underlined]. 135 What consideration passed
from you the the Contract and Finance
Company for any stock in the Western
Pacific Railroad Company which you
received from the Contract and Finance

Mr. Sanderson[underlined]. That is objected to on
the ground that it assumes a
slate of facts which is not yet
proven and is an effort on the
part of the counsel to entrap the
witness into admissions of facts
which he has already stated
that he dont[don't] remember about?

A. I decline to answer by the advice
of Counsel.

Mr. Cohen[underlined]. 136 You were asked in the
subpoena issued to you in this
case to produce contracts made
between yourself and the Central
Pacific Railroad Company of California.
Do you produce those papers?

[bottom left margin:] 26

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