



Status: Indexed

A. I dont[don't] know about that particular=
ly; but I know that from time to
time stock was offered me, and if
it was at satisfactory rates, I purchased

Q. 235. I notice that in the deposition taken
in the case of Stuart -vs- Huntington and
others, Mr. Stuart says C. P. Huntington
told him his reasons for pur-
chasing the stock was that there
was an over=issue of the stock
of the Corporation. Do you know anything in
relation to such over=issue?

A. I have no knowledge that there was
ever any over=issue of stock. I never
heard of any over issue of stock, and
dont[don't] believe there ever was any over=
issue of stock of any kind; and I
never heard that the officers even
made a mistake in the issuing
of a share of stock that they ought
not to issue.

Further hearing of testimony
continued with 2 o'clock P.M.

———————————— " ————————————

[bottom left margin:] 62.

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