



Status: Indexed

15. Q. What was the nature of the relief
asked against those several corpor-
ations defendants; and upon what
ground was it based,; according
to your recollection?

A. I remember the complaint
charged myself and Co-directors of
the Central Pacific Railroad Company
with all of the frauds, I think, that
the ingenuity of counsel could frame.

Q. 16. Was it claimed that you had
converted the funds of the Central
Pacific Railroad Company into the
property of these various corporations?

A. Yes sir, I remember that.

Q. 17. Was that the case, also, with
the Lambard case?

A. Yes sir. I remember now of
talking with their counsel, Mr.
, about that.

Q. 18. Were the defendants in the
Lambard case the same, or sub=
stantially the same as in the
Brannan case?

A. I think they were precisely the same.

Q. 19. State as near as you can re-
collect the terms upon which those
two cases were settled; and what

[bottom left margin:] 72.

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