



Status: Indexed

[upper right margin:] 10

A. The same answer.

Q. 25. I will ask you the same question
with regard to one hundred(100)
shares, alleged to have been bought by
C. P. Huntington of Thomas Paton?

A. The same answer

Q. 26. I ask you the same question in
relation to fifty (50) shares, alleged
to have been bought by C. P. Huntington
of Wm Agnew's Sons?

A. The same answer.

Q. 27. Have you any knowledge as to whether
Gov. Stanford or Mark Hopkins
gave C. P. Huntington any authority
to purchase these stocks for their
benefit in any way or for their

A. I have not.

Q. 28. Would you have been likely to
have known it?

A. I think I would.

Q. 29. What is your belief as to the authority
of C. P. Huntington to make those
purchases on account of himself,
yourself, Stanford and Hopkins?

A. My belief is that he had no authority
from either of us.

Q. 30. Did you know anything about

[bottom left margin:] 90.

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