



Status: Indexed

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A. They were bought for myself.

Q 38. Did you buy any stock at that time
for the joint account of yourself,
Stanford, Huntington and Hopkins?

A. No sir.

Q 39. Did C. P. Huntington within your
knowledge have any authority
to purchase stock for or on account
of the Central Pacific Railroad Company
in New York or elsewhere?

A. I never knew of his having any
authority to buy stocks for the

Q 40 Did he have any authority from the
Central Pacific Railroad Company
to purchase the stocks referred to in
these Complaints in these actions
or any of them?

A. I dont[don't] think he had, I didnt[didn't]
know of his having any authority.

Q 41 Were you at that time April 1870
a Director in the Central Pacific
Railroad Company?

A. Yes sir.

Q 42 And prior to that time?

A. I had been for several months
prior to that time.

[bottom left margin:] 92.

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