



Status: Indexed

decline to answer any question in relation
to the construction of the Central Pacific

A --- By the advice of Counsel, I decline to
do so.

Mr. Cohen [underlined] --- [Q] 213 --- Have you the information asked for
and which you promised to produce at this

A --- I have it partially but not all of it. I have
not had time to get it all.

Q 214 --- What part have you?

Mr. Sanderson [underlined] --- Let the question be asked
in a more specific form.

Mr. Cohen [underlined] --- [Q] 215 --- You were asked at the last meeting
to look among your vouchers for the years '67,
'68 and '69 and produce the vouchers that
you have for money, stock and other
property paid by the Central Pacific Rail-
-road Company of California to the Contract
and Finance Company. Have you those

Mr. Sanderson [underlined] --- I interpose to that question the
same objection that I interposed a moment
ago and I advise Mr. Miller not to answer
the question.

A --- I decline to answer by advice of Counsel.

Mr. Cohen [underlined] --- [Q] 216 --- You were also asked to examine the
records in your possession and produce
all the vouchers for money, receipts or other
property paid to the San Francisco Bay
Railroad Company, the Western Pacific Rail
road Company Number one and the Western

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