



Status: Indexed

warded to me from Gila
. I think it was for--
warded to me to Yuma.

Q By G. Frank Smith you
mean the attorney of Mrs
in this case?

A Yes Sir I suppose so I
used to know him by sight
G Frank Smith. I suppose it
is the same gentleman.

Q Why was it sent to you?

A I requested him to send
me the documents or papers
in the case so that I could
look them over.

Q Did he ask you to look
at any particular part of it?

A Yes Sir. not then, but af--
terwards he wrote me a
letter containing questions
for me to answer.

Q Did he ask you to look
at any particular part of the

A No sir. not the complaint.

Q Did he ask you to look
at that part of the complaint
marked "Exhibit D"?

[bottom left margin:] 8

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