



Status: Indexed

about the balance of money
that would remain in his
hands belonging to the Coal Co?

A Well. I could not say
with regard to that.

Q Would your account book
as you kept it show from
day to day or month to
month what the real bal--
ances were?

A Yes sir.

Q The money belonging to
the Coal Co when deposited
to Colton's private account,
with the London & S. F. bank,
was that checked out for
Coltons private purposes?

A For all purposes, his own
and the Coal Co too.

Q If Colton had any bills
of his own business to pay
it was paid out of the money
of the Coal Co if there was
any such in the bank?

A Yes Sir.

Q Was there any occasion at
any time during the time you
were book keeper when Colton

[bottom left margin:] 13

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