



Status: Indexed

or was not held, or that
the resolution was subsequently
devised and put on the rec-
ord book?

A Well I do not now recol-
lect of any such meeting where
any thing was ever said with
regard to a salary of Colton
or any thing pertaining to it.
My instructions in regard to
his salary always came directly
from him and I had no
other knowledge except from
Colton in regard to it.

Q And his orders were simply
to charge a certain amount to

A Yes Sir.

Q Or to credit him with a
certain amount?

A To credit him a certain
amount and charge the compa-
my, for his salary.

D 2 [left margin]

Q D 2 is an item of May
30 1872. Central Pacific R. R. Co
Demurrage Rice & Co $30 "which
appears to be a collection made
and not accounted for. What

[bottom left margin:] 34

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