



Status: Complete

where that $18 went to?

A No sir I have not.

Q If it was embezzled by
anybody it was not by you?

A No Sir.

[left margin note:] D 4

Q "D 4" The next Entry Decem-
ber 26 1873. "Central Pacific RR.
Co. Refuse coal $92.70" What
explanation can you give of
that item?

A I cannot give any.

Q You have no recollection
about it?

A No, Sir.

[left margin note:] D 5

Q D 5. July 30 1874. Central
Pacific R R Co. Allowance thi[scribbled out]
$11,622.18 then paid in ? $1757 61.
Balance $9,864.57 What do you
know about that balance of

A I have no knowledge of that.

Q Calling your attention to the
$1757.61 allowed. You have some
knowledge of that, have you not?

A If that is the entry I have
some recollection in regard to it.
In that is the entry on the books
to the credit of the Company.

[bottom left margin:] 37

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