



Status: Indexed

out of my knowledge now.

Q There is this currency
was bought, and was given
to Colton. You do not know
what became of it?

A No sir I do not.

Q It appears to have been
given to the president as I

A Yes sir.

Q You do not know about that?

A No sir I do not.

[left side margin:] D. 27
x Check

Q D 27 February 16. 1874
$2250. It is charged that
this was not used for the
companys purposes, there
being no evidence of such
use --- charged for currency
purchased for the president
to take to the mine. The
money was drawn by a
check signed David D Colton
or you remember that? The
stub shows $2250 for the presi-
dent to take to the mine."
What do you recollect about it?

A I have no knowledge of
it any further than the entry

[bottom left margin:] 83

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