



Status: Complete

called my attention to any
thing in regard to it. As
I said before when I made
him out statements of trans
cript of the cashbook. He
would sometimes call for the
book and compared them.

Q. He sometimes called for
the cashbook and compared

A. Yes Sir.

Q And previous to the time
that you made out the tran-
script when he was exam-
ining the books, then, did
you add up you cash ac-
count at the end of each month
in early days?

A. Yes sir.

Q. So as to that what am-
ount of money was on hand?

A. Yes sir.

Q. Then the balance showed
him what he owed the com-
pany each month?

A. Yes sir: a balance on
the credit side of the cash

[bottom left margin note:] 86

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