



Status: Indexed

contracting for and building railroads.

Q. 78 For building railroads?

A. Yes sir.

Q. 79 What railway did the Company build?

A. It took the contract for building
portions of the Central Pacific.

Q. 80 Will you state what portions?

[No answer.]

Q. 81 Mr. Sanderson: Was that contract in

A. Yes sir.

[left margin:] Objn.
Mr. Sanderson: We object to any testi=
=mony in relation to it, upon the ground
that there is better evidence.

Q. 82 Mr. Cohen: Who executed that con=
=tract that you speak of?

A. The parties to it were the Contract
and Finance Company and the Central
Pacific Railroad Company.

[left margin:] Objn.
Mr. Sanderson: Note our objection to all
this testimony.

Q. 83 Mr. Cohen: Who executed the con=
=tract on behalf of the Contract and
Finance Company?

A. Whoever was acting as secretary
and president at the time.

Q. 84 What was the date of that contract?

A. I don't know the date.

[bottom left margin:] 13

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