



Status: Indexed

Q. 609 Can you tell me who was president
the next year, — 1871?

A. I am not sure, but I think Charles Crocker.

Q. 610 Who was president in 1872.

A. A change was made from Charles Crocker
to S. A. Hopkins about that time: I cannot
tell when it was.

Q. 611 Was not Mark Hopkins president in 1872?

A. I think he was president for a short time.

Q. 612 Was that in the year 1872?

A. I do not remember the year. Probably
it was about the time that Mr. Crocker
went to Europe, which was in 1871. I think
there was a change made then. I do not re=
=member the date.

Q. 613 How long did Mark Hopkins continue
to be president?

A. I do not remember how long he did
occupy that position.

Q. 614 Do I understand you, then, to say that
you recollect the payment of certain notes
made by the individual directors of the
Central Pacific Railroad Company?

[left margin:] 3
A. I think that some notes were paid
"made"[written above the word "paid"]
by the members of the Contract and Finance
Company in their individual capacity.

Q. 615 Who were those members?

A. They were Leland Stanford — I think he

[bottom left margin:] 97

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