



Status: Needs Review

This will be a great help. We have had a plenty of nice fat ___[?] in the last week or two and ___ [?] understands cooking it pretty well. I have just rec'd a letter from Tip since I began to write. He was at Greensboro. He tells me ___ [?] of his belonging to the 13th reg. N.C. now at M___[?]. I am anxious to hear from him. His letter was written over a week ago. How is sister Etta? You haven't mentioned her in your last letters. We have had much wet weather lately. Now the rain is falling on the tent [?]. I hope to see fair weather again soon. I suppose ___[?] of you __ this have seen Capt. ____[?] and he has told you all the news about how we are situated. We are almost entirely surrounded by water. This prevents a great deal of __ [?]

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