


Status: Complete

B'nai Zion Congregation
Shreveport, La.

WHEREAS, The twenty-eighth Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in session
assembled in New York City, on January 25th, 1923, adopted a resolution declaring that the use of fermented
wine or spirituous liquors for Jewish sacramental purpose is unnecessary; and

WHEREAS, This congregation is now asked by said Union to adopt a resolution authorizing the
executive board thereof to petition the proper authorities of the United States to prohibit the issuance of permits
for the use of fermented wines or spirituous liqours for Jewish sacramental purposes; and

WHEREAS, There is nothing in the Constitution or laws of the United States of America prohibiting
the use of such wines and liquors for sacramental purpose, and

WHEREAS, It is beyond the function of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations or of any
other human body to declare that any religious observance sanctioned by law and by the conscientious
dictates of the individual is "unnecessary;" and

WHEREAS, To deprive any Jew who conscientiously believes in the necessity of the use of wines
or liquours for sacramental purpose is religious persecution, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, By B'nai Zion Congregation in regular meeting assembled that it strongly
disapproves and condemns the action of the Union of Americn Hebrew Congregations as violative of those
sacred principles of individual liberty and freedom of conscience guranteed by the American Constitution
and by the Constitutions of the several States of the American Union.

The above is a true copy of the resolution unanimously adopted at the regular meeting of B'nai Zion
Congregation held May 3d, 1923.


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