



Status: Indexed

Dartmouth College Hanover N.H.

To the immediate government of Dartmouth College.

Honoured Instructers

The students in college having learn-
ed, with much regret, that a young gentleman by the
name of Mitchell, after passing an honourable exam-
ination for the freshman standing, was prevented from
joining the class, in consequence of opinions entertained
by the honourable board of Trustees, that his admission
might prove detrimental to the interests of the institution,
from the fear that his entrance into it would not meet
with a cordial reception on the part of the students; desire,
through us their committee to make known their views.

We are happy in being able to say, that there is but one
feeling throughout the college; and that that feeling
is, a desire for his return. From what we know of
Mr Mitchell's moral character, and intellectual attainments,
we wish him every success; and so far from feeling any
disrespect towards him on account of his colour or ex-
traction, we think him entitled to the highest praise, that,
notwithstanding these, he has persevered in his noble and
independant course. And should he be permitted to return
and enjoy, with us, the advantages of our institution, we are
decidedly of opinion, that every member of his, and of the other
classes, will cheerfully receive him as a companion and fellow
student; and that the feeling of pleasure upon his return,
will be as universal, as that of regret, was at his departure.

Respectfully yours

Comittee {
Leonard Worcester - From the Senior class
Henry Shedd - From the Junior Class
Charles Dexter Cleveland - From the Sophomore class
Nathaniel S. Folsom - From the Freshman class

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I wonder whether "Sir Mitchell" as transcribed above, might actually be "Mr Mitchell"?