



Status: Needs Review



p. 1751-2.

In Supply on Naval Service Estimates.

Item: Patrol of Northern Waters of Canada, $15,000.

Mr. Meighen: Will the Minister state what is the policy of the
Government towards the Northern islands, with particular reference to
those covered by the Stefansson expedition, laid claim to on behalf
of Canada, and to Wrangel Island.

Mr. Graham: It is a delicate matter to state the policy of the
Government on that question.

Mr. Meighen: Has the Government any policy?

Mr. Fielding: What we have we hold.

Mr. Meighen: I would recommend the Government never to fall away
from that principle.

Mr. Graham: Some people have failed to do that.

Mr. Meighen: The Government failed once, but I think if they had
the same thing to do over again they would act differently.

Mr. Graham: The old Government.

Mr. Meighen: Yes, the old Government my hon. friend was in. It
is well known there is a dispute as to Wrangel Island. The question
of the proper attitude of Canada towards that island is doubtless
before the Government. This vote has to do with these matters and I
am asking if the Government isin a position to say what its views
are with relation to the retention of Wrangel Island or the continuance
of Canada’s claim thereto; and the same words apply to the other
islands covered by the expedition.

Mr. Graham: The policy of the Government, as I understand it, is
as just expressed by the Minister of Finance -- what we have we hold.

Mr. Meighen: Well, have we Wrangel Island?

Mr. Graham: Yes, as I understand it, and we propose to retain it.

Mr Fielding: We had it in December, and we have not let it go,

Mr. Shaw: I think there is probably as the leader of the Opposit-
ion has said, a great deal more to this matter than appears on the
surface. I understand that the United States have published a map
in which they show all the lands north of Melville Island, I think,
as being a country which does not belong to anybody, and which is
consequently open for discovery by any nation whose expedition may
happen to locate there. I think it is a matter of the utmost import-
ance that we should not lose sight of the fact that the extreme

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