


Status: Needs Review


South Carolina

condition of affairs in the various Distric[ts?]
of South Carolina, based upon reports receiv
ed from the A.S.A. Comm'r and Agents of the
Bureau in South Carolina, for December 1865.
In Anderson District an outrage brutal and
horrible in the extreme is reported. In July,
a planter proposed to his hands that they
should sign a contract to work for him
during their life time, and upon their re-
fusing drove them away without food
or compensation for labor done.

Murdering freed-
men: and in-
human outrage -
upon a freed woman
in Anderson District

Four (4) of them, three (3) men, and one (1) woman,
went towards Columbia, and on their way
were over-taken by two men mounted and
armed, who shot, and killed two of the men,
the third escaping, took the woman - then
pregnant - stripped her, tied her to a tree, gave
her fifty lashes, and then compelled her to
return to the plantation where she was
put at the plow by day, and confined
by night, for a week, wihtout food, un-
til an officer happened that way, who
sent the woman to Charleston where
she soon after gave birth to a dead
infant. - The planter paid the mur
ders for their services with twenty yards
cloth, three bushels of rice, two bushels of
salt, and a government wagon - This
case has been turned over to the Department
Commander with the request that the
murderers be brought to justice.

In Beaufort District, several disturban
ces are reported

In Charleston District quite a number of
cases of injustice, and one of brutal out-
rage are reported.

In Columbia District the Officers
reports alarming destitution, and less
complaints of brutal treatment. Planters
and freedmen are disposed to come to
terms; schools are flourishing, and the
number of scholars are increasing.

In Georgetown District, as the cold weather


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