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2 revisions
KokaKli at Dec 16, 2023 10:03 PM




punishment not being decreed for a like offence
on the part of a white man.

For similar reasons, and on account of the un-
constitutionality of such legislation, he objects
to the section of the same Bill which provides
that no negro, mulatto, or other person of color
shall own or keep in his possession, fire arms,
etc, without giving bonds.

In conclusion the Governor is assured of Col. Os-
borne's sincere desire that the State shall as early
as possible resume its full relation with the Gen
eral Government, and of his conviction that
wholesome, generous, and impartial legislation
is requisite, to accomplish this result.


On the 31st December
in reply to a letter from the Judge of Probate of Mad-
ison County, Col. Osborn, through his Agent
transmits the following instructions.

I. No deduction to be made from the laborer's
share of the crops, or wages, for support of chil-
dren or aged and decrepid persons, in cases where
no contract was made (or an unjust one.)

II. One fourth of the Pork killed this year, or the
first of next, for next year's use, is to be given
to the laborers in cases of no contracts, or unjust

III. House servants are to be paid separately and
not reconed with the field hands.

In enforcing your decisions you are authorized
to call on the nearest military officer.


On the 8th of January,
1866, in a letter to his Excellency Governor
David S. Walker, Chaplain L.M. Hobbs, Asst
Superintendent of Education of the Bureau,
draws the Governor's attention to the subject