Minutes_-_1947 01_17th





District Council of Lincoln Minutes of Meeting held on 17th January 1947 Present Crs W G Morgan (Chair) Jas Doudle, K W Ford, R F Richardson, G A Smith, & P Woods. Also Clerk A HTaylor & Overseer K S McFarlane Minutes of Previous meeting read & confirmed. Financial statement showed a Credit of £4331.18.4 Correspondence Highways Department as under Grant Coffin Bay No 1176/46 Advising a Special Grant of £500 Federal Aid for Coffin Bay Road Grant Wanilla Swamp No 7/47 Advising Special Grant of £1000 Federal Aid for Wanilla Swamp Grant No 9 No 8/47 Advising Special Grant of £1000 Federal Aid for Recondition Mt Hope Lake Hamilton The New Road Sleaford- 516/46 Re proposed new Sleaford Bay Road - Council to approach Land holders for their consent to make land available for proposed new road. No 13/47 In reply to Councils request . That owing to extension programme arranged, they cannot undertake to bitumenise the Main Streets of Cummins and Yeelanna, but request noted for future reference No 633/46 - Proposed deviation of Coffin Bay Road - A survey will be arranged as soon as possible to determine the route and until such survey is completed - no expenditure on CoffinBay end of the present road is recommended.

Machinery Orders RYD/BA - In reply - Regret it is not possible to advise when the machinery ordered by the Council will be available. Also that Power Plant Ltd state they are doing all possible to hasten delivery of Power Patrol and Fordson Shovel. Camp Sites Director of Lands - Lease of Camp sites at Kellidie Bay to E Eldridge 1.7.46/7 Wangary and E Lock 51 Dover St North Largs 1.1.47/8

Vermin Act Director of Lands Advising month of February - Summer Period for Simulaneous destruction of Vermin.

Last edit over 2 years ago by ClaireHolman


Re Tractor Order Tutt Bryant in reference to Allis Chalmers HD7 Tractor & Angle dozer ordered by Council through Highways Dept.

Re P.L. Rubbish Depot Corporation of Pt Lincoln requesting Council to consider the question of the Rubbish Depot being Vested in the Corporation so that they could have control of the Area. Prop Cr Woods /Sec Cr Richardson } That Council agree to lease the sanitary Reserve to the Corporation for 21 years @ 1/- per annum. Carried

Spoon Drains Supt SAR Requested Council to repair for them the inlet drain crossing the Yeelanna - Mt Hope road to Yeelanna Dam when convenient. Prop Cr Smith /Sec Cr Doudle}That 2 concrete spoon drains be put down as soon as possible. Carried.

Re Insurace of Fire Fighters Norwich Union Insurance Socy, Re Insurance of Firefighters - Stating terms and benefits - Premium 2/9 per unit Min Fee £2.4.6 Full Names and Addresses of permits to be insured to be submitted to this Socy. Prop Cr Woods /Sec Cr Ford} If names are handed to the Clerk - he is to have the Insurance Policy taken out. Carried Local Govt Association re Notes of Motion for the March meeting.

Trailer Pumps Commr of Civil Defence - Stating Instruction approved in connexion with Trailer Pumps loaned to Councils.

Reports of Fires Director of Emergency Fire Service - Stating it is necessary for quarterly Returns to be sent Dept of Civil Defence at the end of each quarter - of a Report of all Fires attended by Equipment loaned to Council - and a report of Fires submitted each Friday.

Flood water D M McSweeney asking what has been done regarding the drain that deposits water on to his property. This was left to Overseer to attend to,

Last edit over 2 years ago by ClaireHolman


Spoon Drains- A C Trestrail requested that about 10 chains of road east of Wildeloo Siding which is in a bad state, should receive early attention. And Ry Crossing Wildeloo - Prop Cr Ford/ Sec Cr Smith} That Council request the Railways Supt that a crossing over the Lines be made between the Western and Eastern gates, which would save a big expense in making up the road on eastern side. Carried Ry Crossing Wildeloo-E G Robinson Re drains to Yeelanna Dam. This to be done on a/c SAR

Vermin J W Green Complained of quantity of Vermin breeding on Section 330/1/Pt 337 Hd Louth adjoining his property and destroying his garden. Clerk instructed to write to W G Watherston giving him notice to destroy the Vermin. Re Flood Waters Secy Progress Assoc Cummins re draining of flood water fron Eastern portion of the Town along the boundary of Mrs Durdins. Resolved that Councillor Ford and Overseer inspect this and see what can be done.

Arrears of Rates Fines Remitted H M Wagner late RAAF requesting that arrears of Rates have been accumulated on Section 23 Hd Shannon be remitted. The Council not being empowered to do this it was Prop by Cr Smith/ Sec by Cr Richardson} That fines imposed amounting to 14/6 be remitted and Clerk write and explain the position to Mr Wagner. Carried.

Annual Meeeting-Local Govt Asssoc. Report of Annual Meeting held on 13th Sep. 1945

EP Local Govt Assoc - Report of results achieved in connexion with motions passed at last Annual Conference at Cowell on 6th April 1945. Director Nat Clothing Collection for Overseas Relief. Report on operations of 1946 Appeal for UNRRA. Recd.

Wages Log A.W.U Wages Log of Employees to be submitted to Adelaide Industrial Court on 26 February 1947 - to include all District Councils in SA in the one award.

Last edit over 2 years ago by ClaireHolman


Prop Cr Smith/ Sec Cr Richardson} That the whole matter be left to EP Local Govt Assoc to decide what actions shall be taken in this matter. Carried

Report Overseers Report was read Prop Cr Doudle/ Sec Cr Smith} That Overseers Report as read be adopted. Carried.

Hire Tractor & Driver Prop Cr Woods/ Sec Cr Doudle} That Council advertise for Hire of Tractor & Driver for Road Work - Applicant to state Type & H.P of Tractor and rate per hour required. Carried.

Request Cr Woods requested that bad holes on Sleaford Road be filled with gravel. Overseer to attend to this.

Cr Ford }That Council apply to Waterworks Dept for 2 Hydrants to be loaned to Fire Controller at Cummins. Clerk to apply. Cr Ford reported that the Truck, authorised last meeting, had been purchased and had been tried out and appeared satisfactory. C Ford requested that Council ascertain if empowered to Guarantee a Doctors Salary in Cummins. Clerk to enquire from Local Govt Assoc and Central Board.

Vermin Inspector Prop Cr Smith/ Sec Cr Richardson} That F A Parker be enployed for 2 months doing an inspection of the District as Authorised Officer under the Vermin Act. Carried

Prop Cr Woods Sec Cr Doudle That the following accounts as read be passed for payment. General a/c £295.6.3 - Govt G A/c £53.8.10 Carried

W G Morgan Chairman 21.2.47

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