




Meeting Held 19/3/15 Continued

Resolved that Clerk write Railways Commissioner asking him to have a crossing made on the North End of Stevenson Street so that Pedestrians & Perambulators could have access to the beach.

Councillor Garrett Moved that the Clerk write Com of Crown Lands asking him to remit Interest on overdue Wire netting Instalments. Sec by Cr Morgan. Carried

Councillor Garrett moved. That the matter of Flinders & Warner road be reopened for discussion at the next meeting.

Councillor Puckrdige asked that Tenders be called for 3 chs of metalling at Mt Hope & also asked that the Overseer Inspect & report on Harris Road at the next meeting.

Councillor O'Shanahan Stated that Sand had drifted very badly on the North road near Poonindie & that Mr Dorward would clear same away @ 3/- per chain. Mr Dorwards conditions were accepted on condition that the work was done to the Overseers Satisfaction.

Tenders were then opened & considered Moved by Cr Hall } That the following be the successful 2nd by Cr Hartley } tenderers. Contract No 30 I Halls. No 31 E Meers. 32 HT Walding . 33 PA Molloy. 34. PA Molloy. 35 H Wilkinson. 36 GR Langford. 37 E Meers.

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


Meeting held 19/3/15 Continued

Tenders No 38 H Wilkinson. 39 H J Walding. 40 J Thorpe 41 J Daley.

Overseer Report & Statement of works required read

Councillor Hall asked that the overseer be instructed to supply Councillors with a copy of work suggested by him

Moved by Cr Hall } That the overseer report be adopted 2nd by Cr Puckridge} with the alterations marked there on Carried Councillor Puckridge. Moved That the Councillors Inspect the the Main Roads in the District Motion lapse Rates Moves by Cr Hall } That the Clerk be instructed 2nd by Morgan } to collect all Rates due by the 15th of April next Carried

Tenders Resolved That Tenders be called for 6 chs of Melatting on Porter Street Also that the overseer assertain the Correct position of Surveyed road through Flinders Square

Moved by Cr Garrett. That 10/-/- off be Spent on Oxford Street

Cr Hall Stated that land could be secured for Rubbish Tip at Cummins @ at Rent of 10/per annum Notices to be sent to the Various Places re Rubbish tips

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman


Meeting held 19/3/15 Continued Moved by Cr Morgan } That Tenders be called for 10 chains of 2nd by Cr Puckridge } Metalling between Lake Wangary & Footbridge Carried

Meeting then adjourned till 9.30 Saturday morning. Meeting held Saturday March 20th 1915 Present all Cr Jas O'Shanahan in the chair.

Letter from N & A Crawford Re Rates. Clerk to reply.

Letter from Tumby Council Re adjustments of netting Accounts.

Councillor OShanahan stated that R Murray had offered one acre of land to the Council as a Gravel pit @ 7/-/-. Resolved that overseer Inspect same also to Inspect Gravel on Mrs Frasers land near the 21st mile post & report at the next meeting.

Councillor Hartley gave notice That at the next meeting of the Council He would move. That the motion That the Gravel be taken of Roads be re rescinded. Minutes were then read & the meeting Closed.

J O'Shanahan Chairman Date 16.4.15

Last edit over 3 years ago by ClaireHolman
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