(seq. 19)




Status: Complete


time for me to bathe and
start getting ready for
work. I don't leave the
house until 4.45 P.M but
I have to be so careful-
ly dressed and nails, etc.
so perfect that it really takes
all that time. Then I go
to work - get there at 5
and eat my supper -
the meals are wonderful,
4 course dinners, and then
to work at 5.30. There is
no actual work to it.
Just knowing the reserva-
tions and the no. of the
table they have and seat-
ing them when they ar-
rive. The music is won-
derful and the floor-
shows are very good.
I have 15 min rest at
8 P.M for cig and fresh
make-up and 1/2 hr
at 10.30 for a sandwich
milk and dessert. Then

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