(seq. 47)




Status: Needs Review

- 2-

George and I have split
up again, this time for
good. Funny, and it was
all over our wedding plan
we quarrelled. I guess it
was not meant to be.
I miss him terribly.

I am very worried a-
bout [?]. I called her
up twice during last
month and each time
it was the same. She talk-ed
intelligently for a min-
ute or two and then her
voice would die away and
her mind seemed to ram-
ble off so that I had to
hang up both times as
she seemed to forget I
was there. Do you know
what is troubling her?
She seems to be very


I hope to get up
to Framingham some
night soon. The only way
I can do it is to come
up on the A.M. train
so that I will be there
in the morning. Could
you put me up with
one of the girls if I
called up the nite I
was coming.

I have a little gift
for your mother. Some-
thing very small, but
impossible to get now.
She is the only one I
know who would be
sure to enjoy some real

I suppose Mr. Ralph
is still at Fort [Devers?].
Are the babies all well.

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