(seq. 56)




Status: Needs Review

ened up, and the bone scraped.
I now am sporting four love-
ly silk stitches and enough
wire in my mouth to [?]
a hourse. All in all it is very
beautiful and painful. The
punitive part is anticipating
that I have to go through
this agony three more times
before I am finished!

How is everybody in Fram-
ingham and what is going
on, I imagine the [industries?]
are as busy as bees.

I met Lucille Spaulding
in the loby of the Copley last
nite. She looks very well and
is very happy. Could I ask
how [Jobey Foley?] is and what
she is doing? She had a
heart as big as a house, but
too much imagination.

I must close now and
try to sleep a little before
my girl friend comes home
from work.

Please write soon I
miss you all the time.


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