(seq. 67)




Status: Needs Review

young married girl up
stairs comes down -
you are a friend of
my mother's - rather
nosey one too!
Tell Mr. Keefe to take
West Housatonic {Street} out of
Pittsfield until he
comes to Roberts' Garage
which is unoccupied
he can park in front
of there. Beside the
garage is a path that
leads to the road in
back of the garage. You
will see a sort of yel-
low + green house from
that path - that is where
I live - 203 Cadwell Road.
The phone no. here
2-3866. Hope you all
make it O.K.
Will have loads
to gab about but I
imagine you wont be
able to stay long. Until
then. Sincerely

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