(seq. 69)




Status: Needs Review

Well I am still at
the same job and
as I told you plan
to stay here until
after I am free. By
then school will be
out and Mrs. Grand-
shaw plans to send
the children to camp
and she + I plan to
go to Springfield to
work [or?] around there
some-where as the op-
portinities are so much
better than in Pitts-
field. Then if we are
not satisfied by the

fall we will come
back to Boston and set-
tle for the winter. But
even though I will
be free I will keep
you informed of where
I am, and will come
down to see you all.

I saw [Tabey?] last
week-end. She sure
looks swell and has
a grand job. She in-
vited Mrs. Grandshaw
+ I down for the week-
end and we had a
grand time. We went
to Mountain Park in
Holyoke. It is sort of
a Coney Island in the

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Transcribed it in intended reading order (2 then 3) rather than order as it appears on page. (Probably should have been scanned as two separate pages)