(seq. 85)




Status: Complete

the miserable mess I have
made of my life, nor for
my refusing to stay there af-
ter your kindness -- I shall
just have to show you in
other ways as soon as I am
over this.

You were much too kind
to go to all the trouble to
have me driven back to Pitts,
field and I appreciated it
so much. The trip was very
easy on me. Mrs. [Bannick?] was
so happy to have me back
and is very sweet and kind
to me. Now that I feel more
secure I will earnestly try to
develop a more generous attitute
toward the baby as you so earn-
estly desire. I think I love
it already but I just wont
allow myself to think of it
kindly for I know it would
be for its own best interests to
be adopted by some-one who
can give it so much more than
I can. Please, if you have
time, write to me. Sincerely

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Not sure how to indicated flowery border.