(seq. 87)




Status: Complete

as that would be best under
the circumstances as I would
have no Hosp. or Doctors bills
to pay upon recovery, but so
far it has been unsuccessful.
So he will have to turn me
over to the clinic at St. Luke's
Hosp. and Mr. + Mrs. Bannick
will pay the bills until I
can repay them. It will be
about $45.-$50. depending on the
amt. of medication.

The other thing I wanted
you to know is this. Last Sat.
A.M. I got a telegram from
my mother to come home right
away, as my brother was home
on furlough. I realized I
could not stall her off any
longer for she would know
something was wrong for I
would come to see him if
I had to crawl. So I sent
her a long letter Special
delivery Sat. P.M. telling her
briefly all about it. In end-
ing I said that if I did
not hear from her by Wed -
today - that I would assume
she had decided to have
nothing further to do with
me and had thought it

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