(seq. 91)




Status: Needs Review

from the hospital to
a boarding home. I
probably shall not
see it at all. I shall
have to pay $6 a week
board from it until I
decide either to sign
it over or keep it with
me. But you know I
can't bring it home
with me as there is
barely enough room
for myself here. Helen
and Chet are so kind
as it is that I try
not to impose in
any way. My hospital
arrangements are not

final as yet as George
has been trying to make
arrangements so that
I may have a home
delivery. In that way I
would have no bills
for Hosp - doctors, etc. But
it seems rather hopeless
so far. I will probably
so to St. Luke's Hosp.
through the clinic and
Helen + Chet will pay the
hosp. bill until I can
repay it. It will be
$45.-$50. depending on
the amt. of medication
required. So that is
the situation at present.

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