(seq. 94)




Status: Needs Review


brown hair and blue
eyes. The prettiest part
of her is her hands,
I think. They are so
long + slender and
she does not clasp
them as most in-
fants do, but waves
them around very
gracefully just as if
she knew they were
pretty and was show-
ing them off.

I have yet to see
her with her eyes
open - even though
I try to prop them
open and tickle her
feet to keep her awake.


I guess you can sense
what a deep hold she
has on me already. I
would never dream of
giving her up now. She
doesn't look very much
like me though she
has my nose + mouth -
poor dear. But she has
her father's hair and
eyes + chin.

I hope you can
read this scribble,
as I am half sitting
up in bed. I feel very
good and had a hard
time but very excel-
lent care. I had her
with practically no
anesthetic. I was con-
scious + talking all

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