(seq. 96)




Status: Needs Review

Barbara and her new daughter, Beverly Ann, called Honey,
were seen at the Hillcrest Hospital iu Pittsfield ou
Friday, August 11th.
Barbara seemed well, and very happy over Beverly.
She has been in the hospital one week, and expected to go
home Sunday 8/13.
Developmenst now seem to indicate that the British sailor
whom she had thought cou ld be the father, count not possibly
have been, as conception must have taken pace place before
her birthday, Dec. 23 which is when she met the sailor.
Dr. George Vash (pronounced Vawsh) must be the father, as she
admittedly was living with him at that time. He was the
attending physician, and the nurse said he butchered Barbara
pretty badly. The birth was a natural, but she is cut as
mu h as though she had a Ceasarian. She says the child
looks like hime him the second time she saw him after the birth

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