(seq. 104)




Status: Needs Review

a week.

Before I run out of pa-
per I want to tell you
that the baby is fine, eats
very well and is just in
grand shape. She now
weights 5lb. 6oz. Did Miss
Kelley like her? I came home
Sunday and she left Sat. and
I haven't seen her since.
I had hoped to go to see
her Wed. but it looks as
if I may have to be re-
stitched today as the old
ones opened up on one side.
I don't know if I have
to go to hosp. for this or
not. I hope not, my debts
just seem endless as it is.

I plan to come down to
see you as soon as I
get adjusted to talk a-
bout the baby's father. It
is best to wait a while.
Please answer soon as I
await your advice.
Respectfully, Barbara

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