(seq. 109)




Status: Needs Review


You see George did not
come to see me after
the 5th day in the
hosp. and some-one had
to sign my release
the Sun. I came home.
So {Doctor} Bard had to do
it - very unwillingly
and roughtly. He should
never have done a
vaginal on the 8th
day - not for 6 weeks.
Well he ripped my
stitches and they came
out [?]. I got home
that day - So Helen
called George and
he said they would
heal O.K. They did,
but not together so
in other words I am
wide open. After I


went to work I kept
feeling badly so every-
one kept after me to
go to a Dr. I did and
he says I have a
complete relaxation
of the Bladder, rectum
and uterus and ordered
this rest, etc. He pres-
cribed [ergob?] + salts to
start me to contract
no liquids - not even
water! I will either
have to have to be
re-stitched or take
it [damn?] easy or I
will fall out completley
a collapse he calls it.
So that is that - you
can imagine how I

In the meantime I

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