(seq. 18)




Status: Complete

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thought of you, and
meant to write but we
have had our days of
unutterable sorrow.

My very dear
brother was called to
his Heavenly reward,
mercifully his suffering
ended last Sept 2nd.
With clarity of mind
and asking my dear
mother and myself not
to worry for him, he
left us. For 2 1/2 years
he bore his cross in
patience and resignation
to God's Will.

We who are left
to mourn are comforted
by the thought that
he lived a pure clean
life when in health
and uncomplaining, he
accepted his suffering.

There is another
case of Hodgkin's Disease
in this city, that of a
young woman 27 yrs. old,

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mother of two children.
I sympathize deeply for
her loved ones. Unlike
my dear brother I'm afraid
she knows. Some indiscreet
person told her of my
brother's passing from the
same thing. There is so
much sorrow in the world.

My brother was totally
unaware that what he
had, was fatal, so it
made his days happier.

We had many happy
hours together since I
came home. I was away
from them two months,
but it was like two years.

I am working at
the same place, but
we have very little work.

My mother is far from
well, and is unable to
do even the housework so
I'm just as glad I'm not
away from her all day as
she is lonely as well as
in poor health. It seems
she has a backache that
won't leave her at all. She

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