(seq. 19)




Status: Needs Review


the name of Restaurant where my husband
will work is Patten Restaurant {Company} 41 Court {Street}
Boston 8, Mass.

{Doctor} we will repay you, we are not out to get
some thing for nothing in return can you not please
assist us. It will be too late {Doctor} if you send a
check by mail as we won't be here after Sunday
morning February 10th. God only knows where we
will be after that if we don't get some help.

Won't you send it by Western Union telegram
and that is only 200 ft. from our apartment to the
Wetsern Union office, we would get it Saturday
afternoon or Saturday night the latest. Sent it to
Mrs. Doris R. Jones Western Union, and I'll pick it
up at the Western Union office. When I arrive in
Boston, I'll drop you a line, and my address and
each week if you desire I'll come to Framingham by
train with the children while my husband is at work
and pay you so much each week {Doctor} would that be
all right.

I don't know what to say outside of thank
you from my heart and God be with you

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