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Newcastle Decem 4/86

Mr Alex [Mowat?]
F O. [Campbellton?]


Your favour duly recieved
and I notice your statements about
Spec trout. I am sorry you were
not more successful. Let me know
[in?] your [next?] what number of food
[gp?] I may rely upon. I fancy our
crop of Spec trout eggs will not
come up to the number required
by the Dept at Ottawa.

I have sent you [blanks?]
for your return of salmon ova
which farmed [expectedly?] -- you
had better commence getting your
report ready and give every par-
ticular sending it on as quickly
as possible put in everything that
may appear [by you?] of importance.

Requesting your [pond?] for
pursuing young salmon, I notice you
have done something - Mr Tilton
has said nothing to me about it, so
I shall be relieved should success
not [atend?] it - I am individually
certain that the pursuing of young

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