


Status: Complete


Hatchery with eggs, was by all
odds greater than had been the
former experience in Lake Mem-

The present state of
affairs show about 4,225,000
Salmon Trout Eggs all told as against
some 12,800,000 laid down in 1885:
From this it will be seen that
after the Magog nursery in Quebec
(now without an egg in it) shall have
got even a small quota, the balance
remaining for general distribution
from the Newcastle Hatchery will
when compared with former years
be very small indeed.

I am Sir
Yours Obedly,
Sam'l Wilmot
Supt. F.C.

P.S. There will also be found
appended to the schedule a letter
from Fishery Officer Shackleton which is se-
[culipeate?] relative to the taking
up of the nets in accordance with


which obtained last year; which
was, to authorize Mr Alex Mowat
officer in charge of the Restigouche
Hatchery to make contracts with
such of the overseer of fishing stations
as may be most convenient to the
reservoir at the tide-head; with the
view to engaging as many of these
owners of nets as will fully supply
the requisite number of salmon
for stocking the Hatcheries
with Salmon Eggs.

I have also to suggest that
Mr Mowat should not be restricted to
contracting with the same number of
owners of stations, as were employed
last season: but that he should also
be authorized to secure such other
stations as he may find necessary,
to ensure an adequate supply
of Parent salmon.

This matter being urged
I respectfully ask an early con-
sideration of the subject.

I am Sir
Yours Obedly
Sam'l Wilmot
Supt. F.C.

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