


Status: Complete


So march, march, marching along,
Cheer, Cheer, singing this song,
C-h-i-c-a-g-o, Chi-ca-go, Chi-ca-go, Chi-
Cheer, Cheer, hearts all in tune,
Wave, wave, the old Maroon and beneath
those colors fair,
Ev’rywhere we’ll do and dare, for Chica-
go, Chi-ca-go, go

So we cheer you today, Chi-ca-go,
City gray on the dear old Midway,
Twixt the East and the West,
Chicago is best.
And we’re here to stand by you, Chicago,
You have won to this tune, Chi-ca-go,
And we sing as you play
Victory today,

V-i-c-t-o-r-y, Chicago.

— Agnes Wayman.
— Winifred Pearce.

“C” Stands for Cherished Courage.

Harvard proudly floats her crimson ban-

Yale’s flag is blue as azure sky,

Iowa’s flag is bathed in goldeja sunbeams,

Dartmouth proudly floats her green on
high, green on high,

The cardinal of Wisconsin floats from

Pennsylvania boasts her navy “P,”

But there is no better letter worn on any
hero’s sweater

Than our “C” of victory.


C stands for cherished courage,
H for her honor high,
I for her iron-bound interest,
C for her college cry, Chi-ca-go,
A for her aim so ardent,
G for her gallantry,
O stands for Old Man, the best coach in
this land, the big “C” for victory.

Carl Burton, ’08.


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