


Status: Complete


Note— Pages 46 to 61 inclusive, are edited by Mr.
R. Bruce Martin and Miss Elsie B. Johns, for the
Undergraduate Council.

The Daily Maroon is the official stu-
dent publication of the University of Chi-
cago. Managed and published by the stu-
dents, it offers an opportunity to its staff
to get some experience in amateur jour-
nalism. The staff is composed of a man-
aging editor, two busines managers and a
news editor, a sporting editor, associate
editors, reporters and cub-reporters. For
further information apply to Maroon of-
fice, Ellis Hall. Price, $2.00 per year.

The Chicago Literary Monthly

The Chicago Literary Monthly is a mag-
azine published monthly by the under-
graduates during the Fall, Winter, and
Spring quarters to encourage literary en-
deavor among the students and to furnish
a medium of expression for them. Price,
10c per copy; 50c per year.

Cap and Gown

This annual provides a record of the
college year in all branches of college

There is an executive board of five
members — two business managers, two
managing editors, and a literary editor —
chosen annually on a merit basis from the
members of the sophomore class to edit
the annual in their junior year.


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