


Status: Complete


Undergraduate Council.

The Council is constituted as follows
(a) The four division presidents are ex-
officio, voting- members; (b) In February
there are elected three members by the
Lower Senior division to serve until the
June Convocation of the following year
and two members each by the Upper
Junior and Lower Junior divisions to
serve one year. As the Lower Juniors
are represented only by their president
until the February election, the full coun-
cil thus consists of twelve members before
that election and fourteen from that time-
till the June Convocation. The freshman
and sophomore members constitute the
Junior College Council which officiates
at the closing Junior College Chapel ex-
ercises. The Senior College Council has
no separate function. The functions of
the councils, within their respective
spheres, are (1) to serve as a means of
communication between the student body
and faculties; (2) to exercise general-
supervision over the conduct of student
affairs; (3) to be present officially for
special duty at convocations and other
public occasions where the student body
is officially represented; (4) to supervise
elections of division officers and counsel
lors. The Settlement Dance is given
about the middle of the Fall quarter,
under the direction and management of
the Undergraduate Council, to raise
money for the University of Chicago Set-
tlement, 47th and Ashland avenue. The


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