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by the death of the late Professor Macherras was
not filled up this winter, and the work was carried
on by the Rev. A.B. Nicholson and Mr. Woods, as
during the latter part of the previous session until
March, when Mr. Woods was appointed Principal
of Stratford High School. For the remainder
of the term his work was taken by Mr. Nicholson,
while Professor Ferguson took the classes in French.
At the meeting of the Trustees
in April 1881. Mr. John Fletcher, B.A. Oxon.
at that time professor of Classical Literature in
the University of New Brunswick, was appointed
to the Classical chair in Queen's University, at a
salary of $2000 per annum.
It was also agreed that in
view of the increasing numbers of students in
chemistry and mathematics, more assistance was
needed in teaching these subjects, and an appropria-
tion of $150 was made to procure a tutor.
The following lecturers were also appointed
for the ensuing session, the Rev. R. Campbell of
Montreal in Church History, and the Rev.
F.F. Fotheringham in Apologetics.
Mr. Taverner was at the same time engaged
as Watkins Lecturer in Elocution.


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